104 London Debaters
A Toastmasters International Debate Club founded 2014
104 London Debaters
A Toastmasters International Debate Club founded 2014
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A Toastmasters International Debate Club founded 2014
A Toastmasters International Debate Club founded 2014
See how you can learn to turn an argument to YOUR advantage
The Windsor Castle Pub, Westminster
Nigel Farage and Reform have declared they will cut Foreign Aid by half, but is it time to stop it altogether?
Britain has a committment to s...
The Windsor Castle Pub, Westminster
Online Debate on Zoom
Debate Workshop on the crucial debating skills of rebutting an argument, presented by Debate Coach, former politician and ex-President of 10...
Online Debate on Zoom
The Windsor Castle Pub, Westminster
The term "Special Relationship" was coined by Winston Churchill in a 1946 speech, describing the close political, military, and economic tie...
The Windsor Castle Pub, Westminster
Please get in touch with us at info@104londondebaters.club if you cannot find an answer to your question.
We usually meet twice a month, every second and fourth Tuesday, unless otherwise announced. (December is sometimes slightly different due to Christmas). There is also the Online Club which meets every 1st Tuesday of the month on Zoom.
No, we meet only in-person at The Windsor Castle Pub in Westminster/Victoria. There is, however, an Online Club which meets every 1st Tuesday of the month on Zoom.
To provide a forum where people can enjoy debating as a hobby whilst developing their public speaking and leadership skills. We believe in free speech in a polite and friendly setting.
104 London Debaters offer mentoring, coaching, workshops, team work and socialising.
104 London Debaters is funded entirely by the club subscription paid by the club's members.
104 London Debaters is a Toastmasters debate club in London that focusses on learning debating and public speaking through doing. This is best done as part of a proposition team, where you get the chance to learn about a key debating skill: how to build a strong case in favour of a motion, including structuring an argument, using logical reasoning and rhetoric, and practicing delivering in front of a supportive and questioning audience. You will also learn about different types of debate. The teams are supported by an experienced coach and mentoring is available before and after debates.
Another key aspect of learning debating in a Toastmasters debate club is learning how to oppose a motion, and as part of the Opposition team you get the chance to learn about another key debating skill: how to build a strong case against the motion, including structuring an argument, using logical reasoning and practicing delivering in front of a supportive and questioning audience. You will learn about different types of debate. The teams are supported by an experienced coach and mentoring is available before and after debates.
Learning debating at 104 London Debaters, a leading debate club in London, means developing and practicing team skills, including giving and receiving peer review during and after debates, as well as participating in workshops on topics related to debating and critical thinking. We have different types of debates throughout the year, and we believe in disagreeing agreeably.
Get in touch for Zoom details or with any other queries you may have!
Sign up to hear from us about debates, workshops and other events and types of debate. Usually no more than 2 emails and a newsletter per month.
We meet for debates on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, respectively Zoom only and in-person only. The physical address for the in-person debate meetings is the Windsor Castle pub in Victoria, no. 23, Francis St, London SW1P 1DN, a short walk from Victoria tube station (Circle, District and Victoria lines) or slightly longer walk from Westminster (Circle, District and Jubilee line).
104 London Debaters was founded by Paul Carroll and others in 2014. It is part of the Toastmasters International network of public speaking clubs, but one of only a handful globally specializing in debate. It was the first TM club in the UK dedicated to debating, including Table Topic debates.
To encourage civilised disagreement, respectful exchange of views, critical thinking, tolerance for opposing views and a supportive, friendly forum for practicing debating and learning the skills that will enable you to become a more convincing speaker and better at spotting and pointing out fallacies.
A short walk from Victoria Station or a little longer walk from Westminster.
23 Francis St, London SW1P 1DN, UK
John Stuart Mill